Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Up & Down

Finally.... posting.
Here, you should check this.

Found this on Alif's page. It's The S. I G. I. T, everybody! Well this single takes quite long since their last EP, Hertz Dyslexia to their new official video of "Up & Down". They said, they're on the new project of making a new album.

I'm not really their big fan, but I really like their music. Their style on the stage. Their hair.

Especially, Rektivianto Yoewono
He is... ehoasdxaosbdxasbckueboacbgorgeous!

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

All I really need to do just... ask myself.
by the way, i love my add-ons on mozilla firefox. it is RIOT! everyone!
missed it too much.