You don't and never know about how to smile even in the bright day. All you had do just sitting next to the window, and none. What are you doing by the way? Waiting for a falling star? Or just a sweet rainbow?
Care a mind for taste some ice creams and candies? It'll give you another taste of life.
Or falling down from the top of mountain and drowned to the sea? In another perspective, behind the panic thing, you'll find another beauty. Down on the water. And don't forget to look up. Through those eyes, you'll know how the clouds moving on slowly... beautifully like a ballerina.
Just pretending this life is easy. Let your body swing by the air, then I give you a cup of tea. Laughing, relax, breath some fresh oxygen... why everything had to be so complicated for you?
Well maybe you owe you own time, but can you give me a couple of minutes for seeing your happy smile?