46 mins ago
@ParaIndoMore do you know why did they leave paramore? :( from Twitter for iPhone in reply to ParaIndoMore
@ParaIndoMore do you know why did they leave paramore? :( from Twitter for iPhone in reply to ParaIndoMore
Found this on twitter and I think it was just some rumors seems like yesterday. But I found something in here. It is true. Josh Farro and Zach Farro are leaving the band. What the hell are they thinking? I am so disappointed and sad right now. What's wrong in the band? We don't know. Just some words from the rest of the band (Hayley, Jeremy and Taylor). No any explanations from the Farro's brother.
I felt like just broke up with my boyfriend.
Whatever it says, this is not Paramore anymore. They were here from the beginning of the journey of this band. They are one of the 'roots'. And now they are leaving Paramore...
But well, Paramore still exist. I don't have any idea what I really want to say.... goodluck for y'll. I love you Paramore.